Monday, September 29, 2008


Okay the kids have had two sets of allergy shots. Becca actually thanked the nurse after the last shot. She said it hurt but it is good for her.

I went to KC last week. I brought home a brace to wear to bed. I will go back in about 2 weeks to get a brace made for my foot. I will go back 2-3 weeks later to see the doctor to discuss how the brace is doing. If the brace is not helping we will be scheduling another surgery on my ankle. He will take a tendon out of the back of my knee and put it in my ankle to give me more muscle mass.

Please be praying for us. This all has been very trying on us all.

We will be having a yard sale starting Thursday - Saturday if you want to stop by and see what we want to get rid of. We really need to get rid of this stuff, so that we have more room.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I will be anxious to see how the brace helps your ankle. Hopefully you won't need surgery.